Sunday, October 27, 2013

Short Works Edited Paragraph

Original Conclusion Paragraph:
The couple's paranoia to keep their family safe from any outside threat ends up backfiring at them. Their incentive to keep their home safe ends up dying not because of any outside threat, but because of their overprotection. Gordimer portrays the couple as cautious people that eventually become paranoid to prove her point that too much of anything is bad for you. Things are only good in moderation because if you over do, the results might be tragic.

Revised Conclusion Paragraph:
     The couple's paranoia to keep their family safe from any outside threat ends up backfiring at them. Their  main incentive to keep their home safe ends up dead, not because of any outside threat like they feared so, but due to their overprotection. Gordimer portrays the couple as cautious people that eventually become paranoid to prove her point that too much fear, especially if it is unaccounted for, can lead to tragic results, and that it is best to live in moderation. 

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