Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dreaming of the past

        In Robinsons poem, Miniver is a character that wishes he had been born in a different time period and feels like he doesn't belong. 
As I read the poem, the first thing I noticed was that Miniver Cheevy is a pretty odd name for a character. The meaning behind it actually gives us an insight on the character himself. The word Minniver is the name of a type of fur used in the old days for robes of nobles, and the word cheevy is similar to the word cheval which means horse in french. This shows us that perhaps Minniver sees himself as a noble wearing those fine robes, and also as a knight. Unfortunately for him, that is not the case. 
Miniver spends most of  his time "[dreaming] and [resting] from his labors". He sits around wondering how it would be like if he had been born in the "days of old". He chooses to blame faith for his situation instead of doing something to make his life better.
What Robinson is trying to tell us through her character is that we must not pity ourselves if we are feeling miserable; instead we must do something about it and appreciate what we do have.

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